Composting--Why Bother?
Food waste is an enormous problem. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), uneaten food makes up more than 24 percent of our country’s municipal solid waste. That waste goes into landfills, where it does not compost, but instead rots and releases methane gas, contributing to planetary warming. Finding a more sustainable option for food waste disposal is one of the most effective ways that individual households can help mitigate climate change.
At Cohousing we have numerous good ways for you to appropriately dispose of your food and organic waste. Thank you for taking advantage of them (and reducing our export to landfills).
Link to: MUNICIPAL "FOOD PLUS" TOTERS (year-round)
ONSITE IN "COMPTOWN" (just beyond the West Waste Corral):
Link to: Cold composting (year-round)
Link to: Hot composting (March thru August)
Link back to main page of the Guide
Link to a great example of the value of composting: